
Everyone who does a lot of camping has had camping trips where things have gone in unplanned directions. The best thing we can do is learn to expect the unexpected, be prepared for most events and make do when the time comes.  And then in the spirit a true camper you make the best of it and turn it into a story to be told during future campouts.. 

 I wish I could share all of the things I have seen or experience but here are some of the events I have photographed. Be careful when camping or you might find your laundry being aired on the internet. Speaking of airing your laundry this first picture is the aftermath of tipping a canoe during an overnight down river canoe trip. Somehow all of the groups clothing ended up in the same canoe and on the coldest night of the year. We were force to make camp immediately so that the clothes could dry before night fall. In spite of the problems too numerous to list here a great time was had by all. Full story to added later. 

One of the collapsed tents Was the result of wind that came out of nowhere while the owner was off sight seeing,   The canopy was flipped over onto the tent behind. The campers who own the second tent Appear to have left a canopy setup over the tent (big mistake). These canopies help keep you dry in the rain but they have a tendency to collect water. Too much water collected and you have what is seen here, I just hope they weren't in the tent when the canopy collapsed.

Hanging over the edge is what happens when you spend too much time antagonizing your brothers.

Peace River Laundry Lane

Heavy rain and light canopy

Heavy rain and light canopy 2nd veiw

Wind trouble

Hanging over the edge